May 16th, 2020
In developing this website I wanted a quick open like function in order to match the overall site theme of a basic code editor. However, as this site is deployed as a static website the normal Statamic search APIs were not going to work. So I reached for Algolia.

An example of the search working with a spelling mistake in the search term.
I set up the Algolia search driver with the collections and fields I wanted to be indexed using the configuration file.
Right now I am only enabling search for my collections blog and pages. This way my results will not include users, and other information that I do not show publicly on the site.
I wanted to have the search work for the fields title and the URI of the page. You may be inclined to include the main content of your pages. However, be aware if you have any length to the content on your pages you will most likely run into the limit of how long your content can be on the free Algolia plan.
# /config/statamic/search.php
'default' => [
'driver' => 'algolia',
'searchables' => ['collection:blog', 'collection:pages'],
'fields' => ['title', 'uri'],
Next grabbed my API keys from the Algolia dashboard and plugged them into my .env file.
Make sure to keep your keys private, excluding your environment file from version control for example.
# /.env
Then I used composer to install the Algolia client PHP package as described by the Statamic docs.
composer require algolia/algoliasearch-client-php
After this, I ran the search update command to update the search index.
php please search:update --all
Next, to get the search results showing up client-side I installed the NPM package for Algoia.
npm i algoliasearch --save
I added a simple search object to my js file to keep the search state and add a search function for Alpine JS.
import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch/lite';
const client = algoliasearch('my-algolia-app-id', 'my-algolia-search-key');
const index = client.initIndex('default'); = () => {
return {
searchString: '',
state: 'idle',
results: null,
doSearch() {
this.state = 'searching';
.then((response) => {
this.results = response;
this.state = this.results.hits.length > 0 ? 'idle' : 'noresults';
.catch(() => {
this.state = 'error';
Next I made my template for the search results. As you can see the search opens up in a modal, however, this is a separate, parent Alpine JS component.
Right now we are interested in the component that is initiated on the div with the class of modal-content.
The x-init does two things. First it tries to autofocus the search input when the component is added to the page. Second, it adds a watcher that will dynamically add the icons for my search results with Iconic JS. These both happen in an $nextTick event so as to make sure the DOM content updates are run before the JavaScript is run.
I watch for the browser input event on my search input and fire off a search request. I debounce this so as to not send too many requests as a user is typing fast.
Next the result template shows up if there are any results, once for each result, to present the results to the user as links. Make sure you also include templates to let the user know if there are no results, if we are waiting for results, or if there was an error!
<template x-if="modal === 'search'">
class="modal-search modal-backdrop"
@click.stop="modal = null"
<div class="modal-content"
$watch('results', () => {
$nextTick(() => IconicJS().inject('.iconic'));
$nextTick(() => {
x-data="{ }"
<label class="sr-only">Search</label>
placeholder="Site Search"
<div class="results">
<template x-if="state ==='noresults'">
<p class="result-msg">There are no results for <span x-text="searchString"></span>. Try searching for something else?</p>
<template x-if="state ==='error'">
<p class="result-msg">Error fetching results, <button x-on:click="doSearch()">please try again</button>.</p>
<template x-if="state ==='searching'">
<p class="result-msg">Searching, please wait …</p>
<template x-if="state === 'idle' && results" x-for="result in results.hits" :key="result.objectID">
<a class="result"
<img class="iconic" data-file-extension="html" data-src="/svg/smart/file.svg">
<span x-html="result._highlightResult.title.value"></span>
<svg class="search-by-algolia-light-background" xmlns="" width="168" height="24"><g fill="none"><path fill="#5468FF" d="M78.988.938h16.594a2.968 2.968 0 012.966 2.966V20.5a2.967 2.967 0 01-2.966 2.964H78.988a2.967 2.967 0 01-2.966-2.964V3.897A2.961 2.961 0 0178.988.938zm41.937 17.866c-4.386.02-4.386-3.54-4.386-4.106l-.007-13.336 2.675-.424v13.254c0 .322 0 2.358 1.718 2.364v2.248zm-10.846-2.18c.821 0 1.43-.047 1.855-.129v-2.719a6.334 6.334 0 00-1.574-.199 5.7 5.7 0 00-.897.069 2.699 2.699 0 00-.814.24c-.24.116-.439.28-.582.491-.15.212-.219.335-.219.656 0 .628.219.991.616 1.23s.938.362 1.615.362zm-.233-9.7c.883 0 1.629.109 2.231.328.602.218 1.088.525 1.444.915.363.396.609.922.76 1.483.157.56.232 1.175.232 1.85v6.874a32.5 32.5 0 01-1.868.314c-.834.123-1.772.185-2.813.185-.69 0-1.327-.069-1.895-.198a4.001 4.001 0 01-1.471-.636 3.085 3.085 0 01-.951-1.134c-.226-.465-.343-1.12-.343-1.803 0-.656.13-1.073.384-1.525a3.24 3.24 0 011.047-1.106c.445-.287.95-.492 1.532-.615a8.8 8.8 0 011.82-.185 8.404 8.404 0 011.972.24v-.438c0-.307-.035-.6-.11-.874a1.88 1.88 0 00-.384-.73 1.784 1.784 0 00-.724-.493 3.164 3.164 0 00-1.143-.205c-.616 0-1.177.075-1.69.164a7.735 7.735 0 00-1.26.307l-.321-2.192c.335-.117.834-.233 1.478-.349a10.98 10.98 0 012.073-.178zm52.842 9.626c.822 0 1.43-.048 1.854-.13V13.7a6.347 6.347 0 00-1.574-.199c-.294 0-.595.021-.896.069a2.7 2.7 0 00-.814.24 1.46 1.46 0 00-.582.491c-.15.212-.218.335-.218.656 0 .628.218.991.615 1.23.404.245.938.362 1.615.362zm-.226-9.694c.883 0 1.629.108 2.231.327.602.219 1.088.526 1.444.915.355.39.609.923.759 1.483a6.8 6.8 0 01.233 1.852v6.873c-.41.088-1.034.19-1.868.314-.834.123-1.772.184-2.813.184-.69 0-1.327-.068-1.895-.198a4.001 4.001 0 01-1.471-.635 3.085 3.085 0 01-.951-1.134c-.226-.465-.343-1.12-.343-1.804 0-.656.13-1.073.384-1.524.26-.45.608-.82 1.047-1.107.445-.286.95-.491 1.532-.614a8.803 8.803 0 012.751-.13c.329.034.671.096 1.04.185v-.437a3.3 3.3 0 00-.109-.875 1.873 1.873 0 00-.384-.731 1.784 1.784 0 00-.724-.492 3.165 3.165 0 00-1.143-.205c-.616 0-1.177.075-1.69.164a7.75 7.75 0 00-1.26.307l-.321-2.193c.335-.116.834-.232 1.478-.348a11.633 11.633 0 012.073-.177zm-8.034-1.271a1.626 1.626 0 01-1.628-1.62c0-.895.725-1.62 1.628-1.62.904 0 1.63.725 1.63 1.62 0 .895-.733 1.62-1.63 1.62zm1.348 13.22h-2.689V7.27l2.69-.423v11.956zm-4.714 0c-4.386.02-4.386-3.54-4.386-4.107l-.008-13.336 2.676-.424v13.254c0 .322 0 2.358 1.718 2.364v2.248zm-8.698-5.903c0-1.156-.253-2.119-.746-2.788-.493-.677-1.183-1.01-2.067-1.01-.882 0-1.574.333-2.065 1.01-.493.676-.733 1.632-.733 2.788 0 1.168.246 1.953.74 2.63.492.683 1.183 1.018 2.066 1.018.882 0 1.574-.342 2.067-1.019.492-.683.738-1.46.738-2.63zm2.737-.007c0 .902-.13 1.584-.397 2.33a5.52 5.52 0 01-1.128 1.906 4.986 4.986 0 01-1.752 1.223c-.685.286-1.739.45-2.265.45-.528-.006-1.574-.157-2.252-.45a5.096 5.096 0 01-1.744-1.223c-.487-.527-.863-1.162-1.137-1.906a6.345 6.345 0 01-.41-2.33c0-.902.123-1.77.397-2.508a5.554 5.554 0 011.15-1.892 5.133 5.133 0 011.75-1.216c.679-.287 1.425-.423 2.232-.423.808 0 1.553.142 2.237.423a4.88 4.88 0 011.753 1.216 5.644 5.644 0 011.135 1.892c.287.738.431 1.606.431 2.508zm-20.138 0c0 1.12.246 2.363.738 2.882.493.52 1.13.78 0 .828-.062 1.204-.178.377-.116.677-.253.917-.417V9.33a10.476 10.476 0 00-1.766-.226c-.971-.028-1.71.37-2.23 1.004-.513.636-.773 1.75-.773 2.788zm7.438 5.274c0 1.824-.466 3.156-1.404 4.004-.936.846-2.367 1.27-4.296 1.27-.705 0-2.17-.137-3.34-.396l.431-2.118c.98.205 2.272.26 2.95.26 1.074 0 1.84-.219 2.299-.656.459-.437.684-1.086.684-1.948v-.437a8.07 8.07 0 01-1.047.397c-.43.13-.93.198-1.492.198-.739 0-1.41-.116-2.018-.349a4.206 4.206 0 01-1.567-1.025c-.431-.45-.774-1.017-1.013-1.694-.24-.677-.363-1.885-.363-2.773 0-.834.13-1.88.384-2.577.26-.696.629-1.298 1.129-1.796.493-.498 1.095-.881 1.8-1.162a6.605 6.605 0 012.428-.457c.87 0 1.67.109 1.444.265 1.985.415V18.17z"/><path fill="#5D6494" d="M6.972 6.677v1.627c-.712-.446-1.52-.67-2.425-.67-.585 0-1.045.13-1.38.391a1.24 1.24 0 00-.502 1.03c0 .425.164.765.494 1.516.83.447.192.795.356 1.045.495.25.138.537.332.862.582.324.25.563.548.718.894.154.345.23.741.23 1.188 0 .947-.334 1.691-1.004 2.234-.67.542-1.537.814-2.601.814-1.18 0-2.16-.229-2.936-.686v-1.708c.84.628 1.814.942 2.92.942.585 0 1.048-.136 1.388-.407.34-.271.51-.646.51-1.125 0-.287-.1-.55-.302-.79-.203-.24-.42-.42-.655-.542-.234-.123-.585-.29-1.053-.503a61.27 61.27 0 01-.582-.271 13.67 13.67 0 01-.55-.287 4.275 4.275 0 01-.567-.351 6.92 6.92 0 01-.455-.4c-.18-.17-.31-.34-.39-.51-.08-.17-.155-.37-.224-.598a2.553 2.553 0 01-.104-.742c0-.915.333-1.638.998-2.17.664-.532 1.523-.798 2.576-.798.968 0 1.793.17 2.473.51zm7.468 5.696v-.287c-.022-.607-.187-1.088-.495-1.444-.309-.357-.75-.535-1.324-.535-.532 0-.99.194-1.373.583-.382.388-.622.949-.717 1.683h3.909zm1.005 2.792v1.404c-.596.34-1.383.51-2.362.51-1.255 0-2.255-.377-3-1.132-.744-.755-1.116-1.744-1.116-2.968 0-1.297.34-2.316 1.021-3.055.68-.74 1.548-1.11 2.6-1.11 1.033 0 1.852.323 2.458.966.606.644.91 1.572.91 2.784 0 .33-.033.676-.096 1.038h-5.314c.107.702.405 1.239.894 1.611.49.372 1.106.558 1.85.558.862 0 1.58-.202 2.155-.606zm6.605-1.77h-1.212c-.596 0-1.045.116-1.349.35-.303.234-.454.532-.454.894 0 .372.117.664.35.877.235.213.575.32 0 .912-.142 1.204-.424.293-.281.44-.651.44-1.108v-.91zm-4.068-2.554V9.325c.627-.361 1.457-.542 2.489-.542 2.116 0 3.175 1.026 3.175 3.08V17h-1.548v-.957c-.415.68-1.143 1.02-2.186 1.02-.766 0-1.38-.22-1.843-.661-.462-.442-.694-1.003-.694-1.684 0-.776.293-1.38.878-1.81.585-.431 1.404-.647 2.457-.647h1.34V11.8c0-.554-.133-.971-.399-1.253-.266-.282-.707-.423-1.324-.423a4.07 4.07 0 00-2.345.718zm9.333-1.93v1.42c.394-1 1.101-1.5 2.123-1.5.148 0 .313.016.494.048v1.531a1.885 1.885 0 00-.75-.143c-.542 0-.989.24-1.34.718-.351.479-.527 1.048-.527 1.707V17h-1.563V8.91h1.563zm5.01 4.084c.022.82.272 1.492.75 2.019.479.526 1.15.79 0 1.235-.176 1.788-.527v1.404c-.521.319-1.186.479-1.995.479-1.265 0-2.276-.4-3.031-1.197-.755-.798-1.133-1.792-1.133-2.984 0-1.16.38-2.151 1.14-2.975.761-.825 1.79-1.237 3.088-1.237.702 0 1.346.149 1.93.447v1.436a3.242 3.242 0 00-1.77-.495c-.84 0-1.513.266-2.019.798-.505.532-.758 1.213-.758 2.042zM40.24 5.72v4.579c.458-1 1.293-1.5 2.505-1.5.787 0 1.42.245 1.899.734.479.49.718 1.17.718 2.042V17h-1.564v-5.106c0-.553-.14-.98-.422-1.284-.282-.303-.652-.455-1.11-.455-.531 0-1.002.202-1.411.606-.41.405-.615 1.022-.615 1.851V17h-1.563V5.72h1.563zm14.966 10.02c.596 0 1.096-.253 1.5-.758.404-.506.606-1.157.606-1.955 0-.915-.202-1.62-.606-2.114-.404-.495-.92-.742-1.548-.742-.553 0-1.05.224-1.491.67-.442.447-.662 1.133-.662 2.058 0 .958.212 1.67.638 2.138.425.469.946.703 1.563.703zM53.004 5.72v4.42c.574-.894 1.388-1.341 2.44-1.341 1.022 0 1.857.383 2.506 1.149.649.766.973 1.781.973 3.047 0 1.138-.309 2.109-.925 2.912-.617.803-1.463 1.205-2.537 1.205-1.075 0-1.894-.447-2.457-1.34V17h-1.58V5.72h1.58zm9.908 11.104l-3.223-7.913h1.739l1.005 2.632 1.26 3.415c.096-.32.48-1.458 1.15-3.415l.909-2.632h1.66l-2.92 7.866c-.777 2.074-1.963 3.11-3.559 3.11a2.92 2.92 0 01-.734-.079v-1.34c.17.042.351.064.543.064 1.032 0 1.755-.57 2.17-1.708z"/><path fill="#FFF" d="M89.632 5.967v-.772a.978.978 0 00-.978-.977h-2.28a.978.978 0 00-.978.977v.793c0 . 7.127 0 011.984-.28c.65 0 1.295.088 1.917. 1.01l-.39-.389a.977.977 0 00-1.382 0l-.465.465a.973.973 0 000 1.38l.383.383c. 2.453v3.341c0 . 3.695 0 00-3.08-1.866c-.068 0-.136.054-.136.13m0 8.048a4.489 4.489 0 01-4.49-4.482 4.488 4.488 0 014.49-4.482 4.488 4.488 0 014.489 4.482 4.484 4.484 0 01-4.49 4.482m0-10.85a6.363 6.363 0 100 12.729 6.37 6.37 0 006.372-6.368 6.358 6.358 0 00-6.371-6.36"/></g></svg>
The only other thing to do is go into your build system, such as Netlify and update your build command to re-build the search index on deploy. Also, don't forget to add your environment variables to your build system so that your build system can authenticate with Algolia.
php please ssg:generate && php please search:update --all
And there you go, that is how I added a quick search that mics the quick open of many code editors to my website.
To try it out hit the keyboard shortcut ctrl+option+o